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Påskeudstillingen 2012: "Det Grå Rum" 

Primus gruppeudstilling, Hinnerup Bibliotek og Kulturhus 
Easter Exhibition 2012: "The Grey Room"
Primus group exhibition, Hinnerup Library and Cultural Centre
2012, 120cm x 140 cm. Broderi på stof / Embroidery on fabric.

Et af kunstnergruppens (Primus) medlemmer døde i 2011. Vi ønskede at lave en fælles mindeudstilling med   udgangspunkt i kunstnerens forladte værksted. En video viste det grå, støvbelagte stenhugger-rum. Vi valgte hver en skulptur som inspiration til et nyt værk. Jeg valgte en lille (12cm bred, 14 cm høj) stenskulptur med titlen "Snabel". Den var formet af norsk granit, hvor snablen var fremhævet og siderne blankslebne. Jeg bestræbte mig på at forene Det Grå Rum med bløde tekstiler i kontrast til den hårde granit. Billedet viser 5 stadier med snablen som symbol på personens liv og personlighed. Sommerfuglen, som steg til vejrs i kirken under begravelsen, var et vigtigt tegn.


One of the artist group's (Primus) members died in 2011. We wanted to make a commemoration exhibition with the artist's abandoned studio as a starting point. A video showed the grey, dusty workshop of a stone mason. We each chose a stone sculture as inspiration for a new artwork. I chose a small (12cm wide, 14 cm tall) sculpture with the title "Trunk". It was shaped out of Norwegian granit, where the trunk was emphasised, and the sides were polished smoothe. I was striving to unite the Grey Room with soft textiles in contrast to the hard granite. The resulting picture shows five stages with the trunk as symbol of the person's life and personality. The butterfly, which flew up inside the church during the funeral, was an important sign.

Snabel / Trunk

Snabel / Trunk

2012, 120cm x 140 cm. Broderi på stof / Embroidery on fabric.

Detalje / Detail

Detalje / Detail

Detalje / Detail

Detalje / Detail

Detalje / Detail

Detalje / Detail

Udstilling / Exhibition

Udstilling / Exhibition

Snabel / Trunk

Snabel / Trunk

Skulptur brugt som inspiration / Sculpture used as inspiration.

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